hello girls,
we (Piros and me :) ) would like to ask your opinion on the following:
Some of our partners would like to advertise in more than one category on hazasodunk.hu as they are dealing with different services eg. wedding dresses, organizing weddings, printing invitation cards.. etc
For your information, currently the advertising is free of charge on the Hungarian site...
I think that till the advertising is free, it wouldn't do any harm to put their ads under different categories.. What do you think?
klarisz, doufám, že nevadí, když ti odpovím česky (mám pocit, že jsi tu psala něco i slovensky), v angličtině by to asi nebylo vyluštitelné :-D
jestli máte inzerci zatím zdarma, tak si myslím, že mohou inzerovat ve více kategoriích, pokud do toho spadá jejich nabídka. ;-)
I would say, if it's an ad selling certain product (we sell these dresses, we print invitation like these; so not: we sell dresses, take a look at our web), it could be in different categories. but if they offer a service (we make you a dress according to your wishes) then it shoud be in services only (if you have this category), I think... =-) ;-)