User wants to be deleted. What to do?

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> claire_100: > die Userin schaluppe (email: bittet darum gelöscht zu > werden! Bitte könntest du das machen.
Profilova fotka
1) reply to user: - delete all your albums in photoblog and all your private messages - then write back to admins 2) block user in admin club 3) forum messages are not deleted
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gute Frage!!! Ich hab mal ihr Album gelöscht, aber sie möchte komplett gelöscht werden, soll ich sie blockieren? good question- I have deleted her album, i actually don´t want to go that far, that I delete her comments.. but she wants to be deleted completely, should I just block her? Thanks for your answers
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@claire_100 we dont delete messages in forum, if they dont break the rules.we delete albums, comments and photos, then block user.
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@latvia thank you
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Forum messages are needed for search (google). If we delete them, we start to loose visitors coming from google, and that is about 50% of all our visitors. Therefore it's common for forum sites not to delete posts. This case is handled also in site rules - #52
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