Regular admin meetings

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Dear All, I would be happy if we agree on regular meetings. It should serve to exchange information and experience on individual foreign websites. We would be able to take over actual problems and preparation of new features. Meetings may also participate in the admins of Slovak and Czech websites. I suggest it should take place every 2 weeks on Thursday around 11 00 in our restaurant. It should take one and a half hours. The first meeting will be held next Thursday 07 Oct 2010 at 11 00 AM. All, please confirm it! Have a nice day, Martin
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Hi, I thought we are all sitting in different countries, at 7th I will be still in Berlin, but maybe it´s possible the next time for me.. generally I think it´s a great idea! Nice greetings..
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Hi!That is a great idea who lives is Slovakia but for me is an impossible mission! :-D with two small children...but as I write You earlier I will meet You soon! Have a nice day!
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@martinjasen martin, teoreticky by sa to nemohlo pisat do jednej temy? :-N (ked sa doplni eng nazov).... lebo takto je v tom podla mna chaos ked je to v 2 temach :-N ci jedna ma byt akoze pre UK, US, D, F, H a 2. pre SK + CZ?
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Ok, so we discuss here or in the other thread? In any case I'll be there next Thursday at 11.00. Hope many others join in! Lucy? Marie? Maria are you in? ;-)
impossible for me too |-| due to my full-time job (yes, I am going to work and my husband is at home taking care of our junior)
Martin, have you ment all admins, who are in SK? For me it's really not possible, 800 km travelling is too much 8-(
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@samuelito @martinjasen Hello! It's ok for me on thursday! See you soon 8-)
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This meeting is especially for admins from our foreign websites, but admins from slovak and czech are also welcome. Of course, if there's problem like hundreds of kilometers, i understand :-) Don't worry. Hopefully, after meeting we will post short minutes. See you thursday. 8-) Martin
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hm... ;-) maybe i go to Ostrava today, then I would come to Bratislava on thursday.. I´ll let you know on wednesday.. Nice greetings..
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Great see you on Thursday Martin :-)! Pekne den Lucy
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How it should look?
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Príspevok bol zmazaný adminom, lebo nespĺňal Pravidlá prispievania do fóra.
Článok sa načítava...
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Bohužel, nemůzu přijít zítra, je příliš daleko. :-(
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Thank you all, who came on our first meeting :-) I have very good feeling from it. First of all, we have to choose regular time for this meeting. Proposition is every second tuesday on 11.00. It looks, next meeting will be 19th of october. Please confirm all!!! Everybody are welcome. Meeting culture. I think it's important everybody say something on begining of the meeting. Pls prepare short introduction what is the most important topics for you at times. We will discuss them. Minutes: What is admins meeting about? Short recapitulation: share ideas, experience, knowledge, mutual understanding, philosophic discussion ("what is it about, Why we? What does it mean Asmira Team), admin approaches to users, how to solve problems, mentality of different cultures (depends on website), atmosphere on websites, facebook strategy... For me, conclusion of meeting is, we have to know each other and create together a culture of our websites! Please all, add here you notes and opinions. thanks. Martin
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@martinjasen Dear Martin, I am so sorry - next time will be really impossible for me, because I have an important audition the next day in Leipzig.. but as soon as I will be longer in Vienna I am really looking forward to join the meetings.. Nice greetings to all... Nicola
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@lucy_d, @ondine, @njruth, @claire_100, @martinjasen, @janocka: As announced by Martin in his e-mail the next admin meeting will be on Tuesday 19th of October at 11 00 at the office. I will be there ! Does anybody already know now that she cannot come (except of claire_100)? My notes /summary from the last meeting: - first of all, it's great and important that we get to know each other - this is the basis for a good and close cooperation among us admins! :-) - the Admin University will be started - and now already was started by Martin - that's the place where we can learn from each other and get useful tips! come and dicsuss here about "new users" (1st topic): - Facebook strategy - not fully defined yet how we should go about that...
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@martinjasen and All! Thanks for the report about the admin meeting!Please do it every time! For me the most important question is the facebook strategy,please inform me soon about it!I put every day something new to our FB sites but I don't know the rules...
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Hi All Yes, I thought our meeting was very useful and I look forward to many more - see you for the next one on Tuesday next week :-). Here are my thoughts: 1. I agree, my biggest issue is Facebook and how to make it work for me....... We did agree that it could help if we suggested to brides to also post on the FB fanpages. I think sharing experiences and strategies will be the key to FB success. 2. Another point we touched on which I'll mention because as a new admin it was useful to me, was photos in the marketplaces of the websites. Martin confirmed that for second hand goods, the photos displayed should be of the actual item for sale ie. no photos copied from the internet unless the item for sale is new/new condition (never used). Ok, I think that's all for now. See you all soon :-) Lucy
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@lucy_d : True, regarding the marketplace photos (no pics from the internet but actual ones) I only learned about it last week when meeting with Martin... I came across now translating the terms of services and realized that nothing is mentioned about it in the current terms of service / rules in the foreign sites (however it is for the SK and CZ sites, what about HU?). Well, this is maybe also sth. that should be discussed with the others, was there a reason not to have it in the new portal rules?
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Príspevok bol zmazaný adminom, lebo nespĺňal Pravidlá prispievania do fóra.
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Hi there all ( @ondine, @lucy_d, @njruth, @claire_100, @martinjasen, @piros, @janocka) ! As I took some notes of Tuesday's (19.10.) admin meeting here a summary of what was discussed (attendance: Janocka, Lucy, Marie, Martin and Sam): A) FACEBOOK (strategy & content) How often ? not more than 1-2 posts a week on Facebook page How to post on Facebook - in which writing style ? 1) in a personal way (e.g. "we found this article for you...") 2) preferably in a bit humorous / funny way 3) do not only post a link but add a question in the end (possibly provocative, interesting etc.) to the article so that the facebook fans will react to it (through "I like" or even better through comments) What to post on Facebook - which content? 1) the post should be useful / practical for the users (e.g. it could be used to promote an "event" such as a user meeting) 2) preferably post sth. which is found on the portal (e.g. linking to a forum thread discussion, interesting article etc.) 3) article from the internet: avoid topics that users are clearly not interested in (like politics, negative news etc.) B) USER MEETINGS Lucy brought up the topic as users in UK would like to meet up - would it be good / necessary / useful for the admin to be on such meetings? For UK, FR, DE portals the conclusion is that not possible (due to the great distance). The admin should take more the role of encouraging such meetings by creating an event on facebook etc... (no need to participate in them) C) NEW FEATURES ON PORTALS 1) it is the clear wish of the admins that the IT guys announce new features ahead of putting them live (in order to know what the feature is about, to prepare an article for the users how to use it and also for a better timing of the launch 2) the new feature of "Friends" was discussed as the question remains whether admins should be able to see the contributions "only for friends"; all admins agree that yes as it's important for admins to see/know what users share among themselves... (so far it is programmed that also admins are excluded from "only for friends" messages) D) REGULAR ADMIN MEETINGS: discussion on how regular and how often to meet among admins - for now there will be a meeting every 2 weeks (probably always on Tuesday's at 11.00) but extra meetings will be organized in case that there is a strong need for further discussion / agreement of a particular topic --------------- Please add / correct if I missed out on sth.! See you all soon! :-)
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@samuelito Thank you for this kind letter!Yes I will be there tomorrow afternoon and I hope to meet all of You! About users meeting in Hungary:There were a lot of meetings(the most from the babysite-keklovacska)..smaller,bigger...In this country everybody need the personal meetings too..I was on the first and biggest meeting in a big park.(Millenáris Park)I think if admin is go it's good for the sites...they see you,they know you therefor they trust you..It was funny that everybody felt,that we never meet before earlier but we know each other...The friendly,extanded and good mood on the site...the interests and helpfull user group are give everybody an emocition that "we are real friends" Many times they go to see each other new babies or only to meet in a playground... Who lives so far is also come for the biggest'not difficulties for them,,sometimes 300km far!!! We have a lot of photoes about the meetings... I love that!!!Keklovacska is my favorite site with a really super team!!!! On the wedding site-Hazasodunk-are a very active topik with lot of ladies...they are the 2010 szeptember girls:) They are always going out together to showing the clothes,to drinking coctalils in a pub and so on...they told that they speak each other everything connected with the weeding because for the boys it's a boring topik:))) They had a big party In August....they made a same uniform T-shirt with our logo and on the back they wrote-coming soon-:)))They invated me but I was in neighbourhood... So my oppinion is if you have possiblity don't stay at home!;)
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@piros Hello! Sorry I can't come to the office today. It's a shame because I loved to meet you.
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@ondine no problem...You are very friendly! :-) I was very unlucky...nobody was in the office in the last friday(only Samuelito ;-) )therefor we don't go there...I really hope that in spring when my next time to visit Slovakia we will meet! ;-) On the other hand we had a beatiful weekend in Bratislava!!!Wonderful weather ,good beer,super programs with Klári and our other girlfriend... ;-)
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@martinjasen: just wondering whether there is an admin meeting planned for next week? Tuesday or Thursday? Who can join in? Lucy is in Scotland (the whole week?), on Tuesday I myself won't be able to come as I´m still away for the long weekend...:-( can you just let us know what's planned for next week or the week after?! Thanks a lot! All the best & have a nice loong weekend all of you (@ondine, @lucy_d, @njruth, @claire_100, @piros, @janocka)!
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Hello, My plan is to go to the office on Friday. Is anyone going to be around then? Maria
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@martinjasen: Unexpectedly I will be able to come to the office today. I hope there is still an (admin) meeting planned for 11.00 ? Marie mentioned that there will be one? @njruth: Too bad you cannot make it today - but hopefully then for another common admin meeting - it would be great as we get to discuss things that usually concern all admins. I'm sure somebody will be also there on Friday (I try to be there then!) :-)
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@samuelito @martinjasen Caute, mame admin meeting zajtra alebo???
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@ondine : mam takisto otazku... ;-)
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@samuelito No teda cakame ze Mato sa ozve. Le premier qui a des infos prévient l'autre ok? Mais tu viens quand même demain même s'il n'est pas là?
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