Hľadám text svadobných oznámení v agličtine

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Ahojte. Chcela by som od vas poradit nejaku stranku s textom na svadobne oznamenia v anglictine. Alebo ak mate nejaky textik tak mi ho prosim poslite na IP. Dakujem ;-)
Ahoj vychodnarka :-) My sme mali jedno velmi jednoduche a to Mena a priezviska are happy to announce their marriage on Day the datum in SLovakia :-)
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super dakujem, aj to pomoze
http://www.mojasvadba.sk/forum/show.p... tu je tiez nieco
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Ja by som dala: "We are glad to announce..." :-)
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alebo: "love fills a lifetime and a lifetime begins this hour when two people of us ......... and .......... begin a new life together on Saturday, 1st October, 2005 at ....... p.m." :-)
Bay, to je kráááásne! Hoci som nechcela posielať cudzojazyčné, je to super, a asi aj niekomu s takýmto textom pošlem :-)
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ja sa pridavam, kraaaaasne ;-) Hned si to idem vytlacit
Ahojte! My sme sa rozhodli pre uplne jednoduche: "meno nevesty" and "meno zenicha" would like to announce they will be married Saturday, the sixth of August, two thousand and five at ..... (cas) at..... (miesto). Prajem vsetkym vela stastia!!!
Je tam chyba..... would like to announce that! they will be married on! Saturday
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Nemyslim si, ze tam musi byt "that". Vela krat som od Americanov pocula presne takto povedanu vetu. Ale "on Saturday" tam musi byt aj podla mna. :-)
My sme mali ako oznamko toto: "He asked for my hand. I said “yes”. We’ll marry on Saturday, April 16, 2005 at 4:00 pm in Church of St. Family in Bratislava - Petržalka." A ako oznamko s pozvankou toto: He asked for my hand. I said “yes”. Honor us with your presence at our wedding on Saturday, April 16, 2005 at 4:00 pm in Church of St. Family, Bratislava - Petržalka. Reception will take place in Hotel Echo, Prešovská 39, Bratislava Please reply by the of end of March
Článok sa načítava...
´that´ tam byt nemusi, ale ´on´ ano.
Diskusia pokračuje po 4 mesiacoch
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Ahojte nevesticky!!! Tak aj ja mam pre vas zopar SO v anglictine. Mozno sa niekomu zapacia :-) Time has changed so many things one thousand years of the past but it never touched the power of a true love meant to last (name of the bride) and (name of the groom) request the honour of your presence at their marriage on Saturday, the ...... of April Two Thousand and Six at ..... o'clock in the afternoon ......... Church (and the state or city) f.e. Springfields Life can be beautiful, shared by two... A world filled with love, ever old, ever new... Life can be beautiful, shared with each other Two happy people who love one another! We..... (name of the bride) and (name of the groom) invite you to share celebrating our wedding on Saturday, the ..... of ...... Two Thousand and Six at ...... o'clock in the afternoon ....... Church (and name of the city) As petal to flower, as wing to eagle, as sunrise to morning, so you are to me... (name of the bride) and (name of the groom) invite you to join the circle of praise and celebration as they are joined together in marriage in the spirit of the One who created them on Saturday ...... of April Tho Thousand and Six at ..... o'clock in the afternoon ......... Church (name of the city) Each hour, each day, each year We grow apart, yet together Forming an eternal love We (name of the bride) and (name of the groom) together with our parents invite you to share in the celebration of our marriage on Saturday, the ...... of April Two Thousand Six at ..... o'clock in the afternoon ...... Church (name of the city) Aspon trosicku sa snazim pomoct.... aj ked len s malickostou ;-)
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Hej babule, tak tu poslednu este raz a pekne po poriadku :-o Each hour, each day, each year We grow as two, yet as one We grow apart, yet together Forming an eternal love We ...... a tak dalej. Nooooooooo a uz sa na to aj lepsie pozera... nie??? ;-)
Dievcata, co z toho robite taku vedu?! Hlavne sa rozhodnite, ci chcete uviest mena rodicov a ako - aspon z toho si vacsina pri vyberani oznamenia v anglictine robi najviac starosti. Zvysok textu aj tak nikto necita, dolezity je datum a miesto, nie? :-D ...my sme to vyriesili dohodou - spolocne sme vybrali dizajn, ja som spravila slovensky text, manzel anglicky a bolo to vyriesene. Pred svadbou ma kazda nevesta aj tak tolko starosti, ze text anglickeho oznamenia som s radostou nechala na niekeho ineho.
Na pridanie príspevku sa musíte prihlásiť.
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